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Let's Get you the best deal on your mortgage

  • Loan type
  • Residency
    • Residence Status
    • Nationality
    • Existing Mortgage
  • Income
    • Applicant Type
    • Employment Status
    • Monthly Income
    • Age
  • Property
    • Found Property
    • Property Value
    • Loan To Value
    • Outstanding Loan
    • Current Lender
    • Property Location
  • Mortgage
    • Mortgage Type
    • Fixed Rate Term
    • Loan Type
    • Mortgage Term
    • Fee Assistance
  • Complete Request
Loan Type Step 1 / 6
About your application

First of all, what kind of purchase do you want to apply for?
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Residency Step 2 / 6
What is your residency status in the UAE?

First of all, what kind of purchase do you want to apply for?
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Residency Step 2 / 6
Your nationality?

Are you an Emirati? Or are you an expat?
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Residency Step 2 / 6
Do you have an existing mortgage in the UAE?

Have you ever purchased a home in the UAE and taken out a mortgage?
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Income Step 3 / 6
Who applies for the mortgage?

Are you looking for a mortgage alone or together with another person?
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Income Step 3 / 6
What is your job status?

How do you make a living? If I work for myself or for a salary, how does lending differ?
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Income Step 3 / 6
What is your monthly income?

How much do you make per month? This is prior to any tax deductions.
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Income Step 3 / 6
How old are you?

Your age is a factor in how loans are offered, therefore we need to know.
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Property Step 4 / 6
Have you found a property?

What stage are you at in the property search?
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Property Step 4 / 6
What is the property value?

What is the expected market value of the property?
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Property Step 4 / 6
How much do you borrow?

You can borrow a maximum of 70% please let us know what loan to value you would be looking for.
How much can I borrow on my monthly income?
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Property Step 4 / 6
Outstanding loan

Please confirm the outstanding loan amount with your current lender

Property Step 4 / 6
Current lender

Who is your current mortgage with.

Property Step 4 / 6
Current Location

Mortgage Step 5 / 6
What type of mortgage are you looking for?

Please select the type of mortgage product you are looking for.
Should I opt for a fixed rate or variable rate mortgage?
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Mortgage Step 5 / 6
How long would you like to fix the rate?
Mortgage Step 5 / 6
What type of loan do you want?

Do you have a preference for the type of loan?
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Mortgage Step 5 / 6
For how many years do you want to take out the mortgage?

For what total term do you want to take out the mortgage?
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Mortgage Step 5 / 6
Would you like assistance with fees?

With some of our options, you can add up to 80% of the fees to your loan. This gives you fewer options, but the cost is less
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Done Step 6 / 6
That's it, just a few details about yourself to get your mortgage!