
Landlords mistreat to drive out tenants

Real Estate


6 months ago

Abu Dhabi—Landlords in the capital of the UAE are using every means to expel their tenants and increase the rent on their apartments.

By Faisal Falak

Ibrahim Feraihat, the Secretary-General of the Rent Disputes Settlement Committee in Abu Dhabi, has pointed out that some landlords and real estate companies decline to renew tenancy contracts, avoid tenants, and fail to collect annual rent, using the loophole to eject tenants through legal means under the pretext of non-payment of rent.

Abu Dhabi Tenancy Law

Tenants were thus warned by him not to be duped by such a ploy. He said, “Non-collection of Rent – or non-renewal of leases should not be a pretext for seeking a tenant’s eviction.”

To solve the problem, he added, the committee has provided an alternative whereby tenants can pay the rent in any chosen bank in the landlord's name and inform him. “This measure enables the tenant to continue to occupy the rented unit in case he has not renewed the lease,” he added.

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